Corporate Solutions
AllofE has over two decades of experience in the design and development of large scale, enterprise level custom solutions across a number of different sectors. AllofE’s extensive application infrastructure built on years of R&D investment translates to quality, quick and cost-effective implementations of mission-critical high end systems. AllofE primarily focuses on custom custom development projects where a company has a unique and intricate business process need that cannot be met by traditional systems but leverages its extensive product base to meet these requirements effectively.
Focus Areas
AllofE’s client base consists primarily of Fortune 500 companies, government institutions, universities, and school districts. We have a lot of experience with Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) including the integration of large scale systems that simplify and automate business processes. Our application infrastructure is built for scalability and customization.
We help customers organize their data into relevant chunks to illuminate the most meaningful parts, transforming data into information to support decision-making. Key areas include Business Intelligence, Performance Reporting, Data Warehouse Design, Data Mining, Analytics and Dashboards, and Packaged Reports and Analyses.
Example Projects
Brand Marketing, Management, and Measurement Company
Image Impact provided meaningful, multilevel market research data for marketing decision-makers in the form of brand measurement.
Solution – Development of the BrandBase system to analyze video footage, detect the amount of time a sponsor’s logo or advertisement is visible on screen, and estimate the quality of the image given several different factors.

National Truck and Trailer Semi-Truck Repair Directory Service
NTTS provides a comprehensive directory to semi truck repair facilities nationwide.
Solution – Online directory and advanced search engine with location tracking algorithms for truck drivers and advertising / listing management for truck repair facilities.
Emblem Manufacturing and Direct Embroidery
The company specializes in producing emblems for uniform clothing companies and provides direct embroidery service to other organizations.
Solution – Online procurement system integrated directly with CSE’s accounting software.

Want to learn more?
2510 W 6th St. Lawrence, KS 66049